Forfar Founders
Archie Forfar
The station is named after its former owner and builder, Archie Forfar. Archie is best known as a Canadian architect and valiant deep sea diver that broke many diving world records, and was a memorable part of the international diving community. Together Archie, Dick Birch, and local Bahamians built the station by hand with native limestone and Caribbean pine in the 1960's as a dive resort called the Andros Reef Inn. IFS acquired the property in the 1970's and has been running field study experiences there ever since.
Ben Bohl
Walter "Ben" Bohl, PhD was a co-founder of IFS in 1970 with Davis Holl, Herbert Lindell, and Robert McBurney. Serving as the Executive Director from 1970-2015, Ben made IFS what it is today. During those 45 years, IFS through Ben's leadership has touched thousands of students, teachers, staff, researchers, and others who shared his vision for interdisciplinary educational experiences outside of the classroom.
Tribute Video to Dr. Walter Ben Bohl,