We got a new boat

$24,957.82 was raised!

After many faithful years of service, Andros Rose, lovingly referred to as "Rosie" was retired from our small fleet of boats used to take out groups. Thanks to the extremely generous donations from our alumni and supporters, we were able to purchase a new boat this past summer. Fittingly named “Reef Runner”, he is the perfect boat to join the ranks at Forfar!

If you have ever been to Forfar, you know the boats (and vehicles) start to feel like extended family! They are vital to our operations and allow us to continue our mission of providing environmental education, scientific research, and cultural awareness through experiential learning.

Major Donors

A big thank you to the following donors that gave over $250: Justin Bezner, Elaina Breznau, Jane McKee, Kevyn Juneau, Robert Singletary, Jeffrey Fowler, Louise B. Cochrane Charitable Foundation, Jack Hedge, VFW Ohio Charities, Cecillia Go, Chitra Kusnadi, Blake and Cindy Sacha

Why Donate to IFS?
IFS Values Transparency

We believe it is important when considering donating to an organization, you feel confident your donation is being used wisely and to promote the most good. To that end, we at IFS want to be transparent so you can see how our funds are spent to provide quality field study experiences to all those who participate in IFS programs. Our Annual Reports gives you more details about our programs and what we do with our funds. We are very proud of the strong financial base we have created over the last 7 years that has allowed us to weather Hurricane Matthew in 2016, do extensive remodeling in 2019, and survive through the global pandemic in 2020-2022 until currently.

— Lindsey Christ, Executive Director

Annual Report 2024

Annual Report 2023

Annual Report 2022

IFS Gives Back

Curious what all IFS has done to give back to our community? Read our IFS Gives Back Page.

How to Support IFS

Donate online through Paypal or with your credit card.

Donate your time by helping us with projects in the Columbus Office

Designate International Field Studies as your Community Rewards partner

If you would like to donate some of these supplies, please bring them to the field station with you on your trip!

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IRS 990s

You can view our IRS Form 990s

2023-2024 Form 990 2022-2023 Form 990 2021-2022 Form 990

Employee Matching?

Many companies have programs set up where they will match your donation to a nonprofit. Consult your supervisor or HR department to see what options are available and what paperwork may be required. Our Tax ID/EIN is 31-0806132.