Help IFS Improve our Field Station Equipment!


We have been improving our education equipment over the past two years but there are some costly items that we would like to replace.  Items include a new projector screen, new classroom laptop, binoculars, and microscopes (both compound and dissecting).   

We are seeking donations to help us purchase the new educational equipment.  Your donation will go along way and for every $200 that is raised, we will be able to purchase 4 sets of binoculars or one compound microscope.  Every donation, no matter how small, will help us reach our goal of $4,000 to replace these items (including customs and shipping to the Bahamas).

The new equipment will help visiting students spot the rare and endemic birds of Andros and examine the different types of plankton found in Stafford Creek.  As always, environmental education is our focus and these improvements will make the Forfar experience even better!

Click here to Donate!

** All donations are tax deductible **